Monday, May 9, 2011

7 Steps to Letting Go of Toxic People in Your LIfe

Toxic people are all around you. The most prevalent are family, friends, bosses, and co-workers. Their negativity can infect your mind, body, and soul and multiply like cancer! This isn’t healthy for you. If you’re uneasy about severing ties with toxic people, you may want to consider that your health and happiness are more important.
The quicker teens and parents learn how to cut ties with toxic people the better. Everyone has friends that are “part-time” friends. These are friends who talk to you from time to time but only seek you out when they have problems. With friends like these, you don’t need enemies! You may have friends that are whiners and complainers. They always have problems but never solutions. These people can drain your energy. Do you really want to hang out with these people?
7 ways to let go of toxic people
1. Sever ties with “part-time” friends. These are friends who contact you when they need something or have a problem. They’re not true friends.
2. Give family and friends a time limit for whining and complaining. Set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes. Once it goes off the whining and complaining stops! Wallowing in negativity isn’t healthy.
3. Set your boundaries. People will walk all over you and invade your space if you let them. Make it clear of what is and isn’t acceptable.
4. Just say No! Some people are takers and not givers. If your friends are constantly asking you for favors and don’t reciprocate, there really not your friend.
5. Limit the amount of time you spend with negative family members. This may be a challenge if you live with them. Acknowledge them, center yourself, and don’t “shadow dance” with them. If they want to have a “pity party” let them have it but don’t participate!
6. Stand up for yourself and voice your opinions. If people can’t respect your thoughts and opinions, they’re not worth your time. True friends will listen to you and respect what you say. They may not agree with it but they’ll listen to you.
7. Walk away. Write a letter or send an email. Do a releasing ritual by writing down a person’s or peoples name and burning it; write the names of people you’re releasing on a piece of paper, fill a container with water, place the paper in the container, and stick the container in the freezer (leave it there for three to six months); and write the names of people you’d like to release in a journal and release them by saying, “You’re free and I’m free, you’re in your sacred space and I’m in my sacred space.”
Toxic people or emotional vampires can wreak havoc on your life. It may be difficult to say ‘goodbye’ to people who’ve been in your life for a long time. But it’s for your own good. If you have family members that are toxic, limit the amount of time you spend with them. If you can’t avoid spending time with them, excuse yourself and take a walk or go to the bathroom. Take 10 deep breaths and no that this too shall pass. Remember, life’s too short to be around miserable people!
If you find it difficult to release toxic people from your life go ahead and ask for an Introductory Consultation today.

Roland Gilbert
With over 20 successful years in corporate America, Roland Gilbert is now living his passion through helping others find and live theirs! Roland is a personal coach working with a wide range of clients’ issues through helping them change their thoughts and actions about their worlds – both personally and professionally.
Roland works one-on-one – via phone and face-to-face – and with MasterMind Groups. Through Couples Coaching Roland helps clients communicate better, find the love they want, and create relationships of significance.
Contact Roland at 800-974-3692 or  to determine if coaching is right for you.

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