Thursday, June 2, 2011

What Makes a Good Man Leave a Great Woman?

I met recently with smart, attractive young woman who was CONFUSED as to why she was having such a difficult time meeting and keeping a good man in her life. After a lot of discussion we came to several conclusions and I thought I'd share a few with you.
Have you ever dated a man who you shared an incredible connection with, but then he suddenly wanted his “freedom” or said he wasn’t ready for a relationship when you started to get close?
What’s going on here? Why does this happen for so many women with men?
Is it that all men are men afraid of getting close?
Or… could there be something else going on here that women are often doing that helps trigger  this kind of response in a man?
I’ve discovered that the way lots of women talk  about moving into to a more secure and COMMITTED  RELATIONSHIP with a man is a HUGE part of why men  stop wanting the relationship.
Too many women don’t understand what they’re  accidentally communicating about themselves to a man when they become even the least bit unsure or uncomfortable about “where things are going.”
And when it comes to deciding whether or not to  move into a more serious relationship, men have a  finely tuned radar for how a woman is acting.
If you don’t know the common mistakes to avoid that men see as unattractive, needy, and the sign of a  woman who wouldn’t make a great partner… then  you’re shooting yourself in the foot.
  • Are you one of the many single women in the world who would make an AMAZING PARTNER for a man…. but can’t even find a decent date?
  • Do you ever feel like it’s impossible to understand what a man is thinking when it comes to “dating” and relationships?
  • Do you ever wish that you could just skip the “games” and the uncertainty that come with dating and get straight to something REAL?

If so, I want to share with you a few important ways to stop missing out on the love and connection you’re looking for… and start finding and creating what you want with a man.
There’s something I want to know about you first, though.

Here’s A Dating Scenario:

I wonder how often this has happened to you -  You meet a man you find attractive and you go out on a date…
The date goes better than you imagined, and you find him even more interesting and desirable than you thought you would.
You feel great around him and the conversation flows.
You both connect with each other and have all kinds of unbelievable things in common.
The more time you spend with him, the more you become excited about where things could go… and that you’ve finally met a man who’s fun, attractive AND who actually seems open and healthy as a person.
To top it off, the chemistry you share is AMAZING… and you share a steamy good-night kiss that proves it.
You can tell he’s feeling it, too.
This is something more than just another date. It’s more than two people spending time together.
This is something special and real.
That’s why you can’t help yourself…
Before you even hear from him again, you’re telling your girlfriends all about him, what a great time you had, what it’s like when you’re together… and when you’re going to see each other next.
You’re VERY excited about your new man.
You imagine introducing him to your friends.
You even allow yourself a fantasy or two about all the fun things you’ll do together in the weeks to come and what your life together could be like.
You have a GREAT FEELING about this.
Best of all, he’s calling you, emailing, and he wants to see you all the time.
And he’s not only attractive and charming – it turns out he’s a really good person, too.
After a few more dates you’re intimate with him because you feel so comfortable together. And the sex is AMAZING.
Things are going so great that you say to yourself,
“At last! A real man I truly connect with. I better not screw this up!”
But just then you realize how much he is starting to mean to you… and in the back of your mind it kind of freaks you out.
And it’s then that the dating and relationship nightmares from your past flash back in your mind…
You don’t want to feel the pain you felt in the past ever again… and you start to feel afraid that the same things could happen again.
Your mind races with fear and anxiety.
But to keep it together you put faith in the situation and in this man. You tell yourself that it’s different this time, and that he isn’t one of those other guys.
And to make sure things keep moving forward in the right direction, you start trying a little harder with him to get it right this time.
You do all kinds of nice things for him.
You make the effort to find out all about him, understand him, and help him out with the things that are going on for him in his life.
You even start to do things like favors,  errands, etc., just because you want him to know how much you care and to be close to him.
In the back of your mind you really hope he’ll recognize all the great things you’re doing for him, and how amazing you and your relationship can be.
With all you’re doing for him and your relationship, he’d be crazy not to want to be with you.
But after a few more dates, suddenly something starts to feel WRONG…
That same easy and free way of loving and being with each other suddenly feels different.
You realize how much you’re doing for him and all the ways you’re trying… and suddenly it hits you -
He isn’t making much of an effort to do anything for you or your relationship.
Not the way you are with him.
Then you realize that he’s been calling you less than he used to.
He doesn’t seem as excited to be with you and share his thoughts and feelings as he used to be at first.
He even stops making much in the way of plans, and starts doing a lot of other things he wasn’t doing before.
And since you don’t want to keep calling him, you wait for his call… hoping he’ll make weekend plans with you.
But Thursday comes, and then Friday, and still no call.
Your worst fears are starting to be realized. But you don’t want to overreact.
So even though you’re hurt and upset that he didn’t call you… you want to be with him, so you reluctantly call him.
You tell yourself there must be a good reason and that he’s been busy or something.
When you finally get ahold of him, he doesn’t even sound like the same guy.
He talks like he hardly knows you and you’ve never been close.
You try to be casual and ask him what he’s been doing, but you want to know what he’s been doing and why he hasn’t called you.
Then you find out he’s been going out and doing things with friends and other people.
Damn! He didn’t even invite you!
Wait a minute…
Aren't you two an “item”? Shouldn’t you be doing something TOGETHER on weekends and in your free time?
You start feeling really FRUSTRATED and CONFUSED.
Maybe he doesn’t see what’s going on, so you decide to let him know how you feel and “call him on it.”
You tell him how upset you felt that he didn’t ask you to hang out with him and his friends.
And you ask him what’s going on, and why he’s being this way with you.
But he doesn’t respond the way you’d want or expect him too.
Instead of listening to you and your feelings… he gets irritated and ANGRY with you. As though you’re “hassling” him.
After some arguing and back and forth, he seems to shift gears in the conversation and says something that really makes your heart SINK.
Something that you had a gut FEELING you’d hear from him with this going on -
He tells you,  “Look… you’re great, but the truth is that I’m not ready or in the right place for any kind of ‘serious’ relationship right now.”
And he goes on to tell you about all the things going on in his life that are taking up his time and energy… and that he doesn’t know how to settle down right now.
Why is he acting like you’re going to get in the way of the rest of his life?
Why did he ask you out in the first place, and spend all that time sharing himself, being with you, and connecting with you if he didn’t want a relationship all along?
Couldn't he have told you that when you first met, instead of asking you out?
Why did he spend all that time with you and sleep with you if he didn’t want to be with you?
And how come he doesn’t recognize or appreciate all the things you bring to his life, and all the things that you do for him?
At this point, you feel incredibly hurt, frustrated, unappreciated, and misunderstood.
You even become intensely UPSET and ANGRY with him, and with yourself. How could you have misunderstood what was happening and not have seen this coming!?
Why did he do all the things he did, and why did he SAY all those things that made you think HE WANTED a relationship with you?
Now, if you've experienced a situation like this with a man before… then I really feel for you.
In the story above, for lots of women the story doesn’t end there when the man says he’s not ready for anything serious.
Because they either don’t want to listen to the man… or they refuse to believe him.
And then what happens?
Some women actually go on to spend the next few weeks or maybe even MONTHS doing everything they can to try and win the guy back.
They think that if they can just get him to stop ignoring what it is that they share, and to not be afraid… that the guy will “come to his senses” and come back to them.
If you’ve ever been in this situation, or known a woman who was, here are the 5 most common ways  women respond that don’t work and push men away or turn them off for good:
1. Pretending you don’t want anything serious either and keep on sleeping with the man “casually” in hopes that things will grow from the “physical relationship”
2. Staying close to him by trying to become his “best friend” as you help him in his life and with his problems – all the while imagining the “payoff” of a real relationship for your good deeds once he recognizes how great you are
3. Trying to make him jealous by telling him you’re seeing other guys, even if you’re not. Or going out with other guys and doing things with them not because you like them, but because you want him to find out and want you back
4. Getting pissed off at him and telling him he’s dumb, immature, and acting like a little BOY… and that he’s just scared of a real relationship and a commitment – and then trying to get him to have a relationship with you to “fix” himself
5. Trying to make him interested in you by complimenting him, doing nice things for him, taking up things he’s interested in to be around him… and being available to him at anytime he should show interest. This is kind of like trying to be his “best friend,” but different since it’s often still sexual.
Now, I’m guessing that you recognized at least one of these responses as you were reading through them.
As you read yours, you probably thought “Oh snap, that was me!”… and now you see your behavior in a slightly different light.
In fact, maybe you see you’ve made a couple of these mistakes with men.
Here’s the thing…
None of these responses ever work with men.
Feel free to ask your girlfriends and your guy friends if you don’t believe me.
Doing these things with a man is like instant MAN-REPELLENT.
But, strangely enough, even though these universally don’t get men to respond in any positive way… these are still the most common ways that women who don’t understand men and dating respond.
Which begs me to ask the question…
Why do so many women make these same mistakes in the first place? And why are these so universally common?
The short answer is this -  If a woman makes these kinds of mistakes with men, it’s NOT because she “learned” it by seeing it work for other women with other men.
Absolutely not.
It’s because she does WHAT MAKES SENSE to HER in the moment.
But guess what?
If you’ve spent enough time around men, then you've probably discovered that men DON’T MAKE MUCH SENSE.
See where I’m going here?
If you try and use what makes sense to YOU as a woman with a man… odds are you’re going to get very poor results.
Which means…
If you want to start getting better outcomes and results when it comes to men, and you want to be able to communicate with a man in a way that brings him closer…
Then you’re going to have to learn to STOP doing what makes “sense” to you…
And START doing what it is that makes a man FEEL ATTRACTED and MORE INTERESTED in you.
In other words… the biggest challenge most women run into when it comes to “breaking through” to men and getting past the surface dating stuff and into a real relationship with a real man is not being able to see past their own MINDSET and the approach they’ve been using that hasn’t worked.
If you have the wrong mindset, and thus the wrong approach when it comes to men and dating… then it practically guarantees you’re going to fail from the very beginning.
But if you can learn to understand how your mindset affects how you interpret and respond to a man…
And you can start to get the kind of PERSPECTIVE or AWARENESS that will lead you to knowing what’s really going on with a man, and how to respond…
Then things are quickly and naturally going to  fall into place for you.
Let me know what you think!
If you need help overcoming your difficult mindsets,  ask for your introductory consultation today!
Think. Grow. Live!
Roland N. Gilbert


  1. Hey and women need to learn to be more spontaneous when it comes to dating men. Dating was designed to be fun and exciting not a hard long boring chore.

  2. Women should trust themselves to go with the flow. People spend time, because they want to. If you enjoy each other it will eventually turn into a need to basis. Men want a woman they can trust, communicate with, share a laugh, make an occassional mistake, and not be monitored 24/7. (LOL) If we are into you, we will want your time. You don't even have to ask. We are social creatures and want the woman that can appreciate the real man inside of us. We can be silly, but we are affectionate and will respond to your needs, if you let us know what they are. Don't have scripted expectations, go with the flow and have fun, laugh, share conversations. You can talk about what you wish to have in the future, but share dreams and be willing to hear his dreams as well.

  3. De Lisa "KoKo" BarnesJune 2, 2011 at 9:32 PM

    This is so true. Most women feel that by going overboard with the gifts, money, support, etc. will eventually win a man's heart. This also brings to mind the old saying, "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach". Well, we all know that that philosophy is long gone, if it ever really existed. See, women don't understand that by doing all of these things places a man in the position of being with you for what you do for him versus because he wants too. Women try to solve men's problems by overly assisting him, which in fact handicaps or cripples him. This can also lead to a man feeling belittled. It doesn't matter what a woman does, she can give and give until she is blue in the face AND it still will not make a man want to be with her. With that being said, I tend to follow the motto, "If you want something different then try something new". Lastly when a woman knows her worth, she will not let a man put her in a position to receive less than. Keep up the great work because this informtion WILL BE EXTREMELY helpful to both men and women.
