Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Self-Empowerment: 3 Secrets Your Mother Never Told You

If you've ever felt you wear a sign that reads, “Please take advantage of me,” you are not alone. Tons of women (and men) are in the same boat. They feel like props, fixtures and tools that hold up other people’s lives. With little certainty of how to uplift their own.

The truth, your language and actions give away your power. Empowering yourself means holding on to that advantage. It means you stand grounded with a real sense of who you are and what you stand for. Your core identity. You are centered and decisive in all matters that relate to you. To begin to create your own life, here are 3 secrets to empowering yourself.
Secret #1- Don’t Ask for Permission
Asking for permission or constant reassurance, leaves a scent of immaturity and uncertainty about your life. You are communicating, “Without you, I can’t figure this out.” “I can’t do this alone.” You don’t need outside acceptance or approval to move forward. The only permission you need is your own. The more you lean on you, the more you build your confidence.
Secret #2- Plan and Keep it Moving
When you create a plan to go back to school or move to a new place, you communicate, “I will.” A done deal. You’ve done something very powerful. You have put your plan in motion. And, when you inform others of your plan as it is “happening” the momentum is unstoppable.
Secret #3- You Are Responsible for Your Own Happiness
You are. Not your husband or your husband’s salary. Not your children. Not your salary. Just you. The stuff you buy, homes, cars, and jewelry, will never “really” make you happy. Only you can do that. Stuff will entertain you, but only substance will sustain you. And you my friend, are substantial.
When you make it your mission to find out who you really are and what you have to offer, you’ll feel alive, and never, ever, need to fill your days, hours, and minutes with the superficial. You were created for so much more.
Start today, create your own life and empower yourself by wearing a new sign, “My life is my own,” and back it up with your language and actions. Your power lies not only in your ability to handle life’s big challenges, but in your willingness to orchestrate your life’s tiny details. Wishing you more. More peace, more joy, more happiness, and More You.
Think. Grow. Live!
Roland N. Gilbert
Roland works one-on-one – via phone and face-to-face – and with MasterMind Groups. Through Couples Coaching Roland helps clients communicate better, find the love they want, and create relationships of significance. Contact Roland at 800-974-3692 or rgilbert@perennialgrowth.com to determine if coaching is right for you.
