Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Goal Setting Tips: 7 Deadly Sins of Goal Setting

Goal setting is the surest way to maximize your chances of success.

These goal setting tips highlight some of the common issues that arise with goal setting and how you can maximize your chances of goal setting success.

Seven deadly sins of goal setting

1. Setting too many goals

One of the natural mistakes that people often make is that they set too many goals too soon. It is not uncommon for the people that I see to set 5 or 10 specific goals. But this usually has negative results.

If you have too many goals your attention and effort is less focused and you are likely to feel overwhelmed.

Take a closer look at your goals and prioritize them with this goal setting activity, so that you can focus your time and effort on those goals that are most important to you.

2. Failing to set short-term goals

When I examine the goals that some athletes, students and work professionals set, a common mistake they make is that the do not set short-term goals. Maximize your goal setting success by using short-term SMARTer goals to achieve long-term success.

3. Not monitoring your progress or adjust goals

Over time your priorities and circumstances may change. Also, you may find that there are obstacles and difficulties to achieving your goals. Research on athletes and top business people show that regularly reviewing your goals maximizes your chances of goal setting success. Goal setting software is a great tool for monitoring and adjusting your goals.

4. Setting unrealistic goals

If you are a couch potato there is little use in setting a goal to run a marathon in two weeks. Likewise, if you have just left college you can’t expect to land a job as the CEO of a company. By setting unrealistic goals you are setting yourself up for failure.

5. Setting vague goals

Often inexperienced goal setters will set vague goals. Becoming a success or getting fitter are general goals. These goals could be more specific by stating what things you need to become a success or the number of times you need to exercise per week. By setting specific goals you have a clear target that you can focus on.

6. Not setting measurable goals

If you do not set measurable goals then how do you know where you are in your goal progression? Better still, how do you know that you have achieved your goal? When setting goals think of words such as: how much, number of times, distance, lost, gained, how long, and so forth. Goal setting software helps in measuring and tracking your goal progress.

7. Focusing only on outcome goals

When I ask my clients to set goals, they generally set outcome goals. They have a goal of winning the Olympics, of becoming a CEO of a multinational company, or getting the best mark in the class. This tremendous emphasis on winning can be destructive to your goal setting success.

Outcome goals are somewhat out of your control. You cannot control another person’s ability or performance. The only thing you can control is your performance. So try to set goals that are less outcome based, and more focused on your own individual success.

The 7 goal setting tips to stick to:

  • Frame your goals in positive statements
  • Make SMARTer goals
  • Write your goals where you can see them and reward yourself
  • Pick goals which are most important to you
  • Have goals that are in line with your vision or your company’s mission
  • Setting goals in areas that you can control
  • Make a public commitment to your goal
No matter what your goals, whether you are setting a goal to be a millionaire, want to achieve financial independence or get your dream job, having a goal setting plan is a proven method for setting and achieving them.

I hope this Goal Setting/Goal Achieving series has been helpful. Let us know below what goals you are working to achieve!

Think, Grow. Live!

Roland N. Gilbert

Roland works one-on-one – via phone and face-to-face – and with MasterMind Groups. Through Couples Coaching Roland helps clients communicate better, find the love they want, and create relationships of significance. Contact Roland at 800-974-3692 or 
rgilbert@perennialgrowth.com to determine if coaching is right for you.