Monday, March 21, 2011

How to Solve a Problem – Eight Easy Steps to Find the Solution!

A problem MUST have a solution. If it doesn’t, it is NOT a problem -forget about it!
I’ve just written a great book on relationships, and I plan on publishing the book this year. I’ve been reading everything I can about writing and publishing self-help books and books in general. Recently, I spent most of a day reading, until I realized that my mood was darkening. I found myself discouraged and worried. I started to think I would die before my story gets published, because it seems almost impossible to publish my book through an agent or a publisher.
I’m very surprised that most of the information I’ve read about publishing self-help books is very disappointing. I understand that nothing is easy or free, and I know that we need to be the best to compete with the thousands of stories that are trying to be published every year, but when I read personal opinions or discouraging comments from some of the editors at big publishing houses, it makes me wonder why people like that occupy important positions in the wonderful field of self-help book publishing. For instance, I read these reasons why some editors instantly reject a manuscript:”Misspelling the name of the agent/editor,” “Telling him/her that it will be a bestseller”… Hello?! Is there anything wrong with having big dreams and letting other people know about them? – “When people address the letter by her/his first name and they don’t know her/him” and many others like this. So does it mean they don’t even look at the story if they find one or more of these “errors” in the “query letter”? It could be a wonderful story that they missed just because of their BIG EGO. Anyway, this is just my opinion! I recharged my batteries and changed my vibrational mood to a positive one, and started reading information once more. I’m sure I’ll find the best way to publish my book this year!
I don’t remember how I began practicing this ideology: “Focus your mind on the solution instead of the problem.” Not sure if I read it in a book. I know that if I have a problem it must have a solution; otherwise, it is not a problem, so I started to focus on the solution -and my life is easier. Here are some steps I follow to focus my mind on the solution instead of the problem:
-Identify the problem. It is very important to identify what the problem is. It is very common to get confused and blame other people, things or situations trying to avoid our responsibility. Ex. Good – “I don’t have enough money to cover my bills.” Bad – “My employer is a miser and he doesn’t pay me what I deserve.”
-Analyze the problem with a positive mind.Do this with an open mind with no complaining. Why don’t you have enough money? How are you spending your money? Be realistic and honest with your questions and conclusions.
-Look for solutions.You will notice that as soon as you focus your mind on the solutions, they come easily to you. Write down a list of at least ten solutions. Write down any idea that comes to mind. Don’t just it, just write it down. “Get another job,” “Work for myself,” “Have a yard sale,” etc.
-Pick one or two solutions from your list.Pick only the ones you think are the best for you and you will enjoy them (you may find the solution is your passion!). It is a good idea to break down the solutions you picked and find more options. You may have a better idea: “Work for myself. 1. I’m a very good baker, so I can sell cookies to private schools. 2. I love to sell and talk with other people, so I can join a multi-level sales group.”
-Make an action plan for your best solution.What do you need to do/get/have to work on the solution? Commit yourself and start as soon as possible. Don’t forget to specify a time frame to accomplish your goals. “I’m selling cookies to private schools by March 17, 2011. 1. Look for private local schools. 2. Look for bakeries and other competitors. 3. Research prices and favorite flavors for kids…”
-Don’t let circumstances overwhelm you.Everybody knows that we are living in a bad economy, bla bla bla… Remember, don’t focus on the problem, focus on the solution.
-Don’t listen to negative people.For sure, losers will try to make you one of them. When they say, “You cannot do it,” change it to: “I’m sure I can do it. Thank you.” And yes, you will find people who will help you, look for them and show them your gratitude.
-Have faith and believe in yourself.You deserve only good things and you are creating them. It may help if you visualize the new you, exactly as you want to be. Enjoy your new journey!
I’ve noticed that when I focus my mind on the solution instead of the problem, good options come easily to me.The very next day after I felt so discouraged about my book, I said my positive affirmations and thought of how to market my book before it is published, and I got wonderful ideas; of course, I put them into action immediately. I won’t let other people’s experiences or comments stop me in pursuing my dreams. I’m my own creator and I can create my life the way I want.
The Universe acts upon the millions of possibilities for everyone, whether they’re perceived as “problems” or “opportunities.” Whatever you focus on, you manifest in your life. What are you focused on?

Roland Gilbert
Roland N. Gilbert is Vice-President and founder of the Perennial Consulting Group a management consulting, coaching and sales force development firm that focuses on overcoming fear and other limiting beliefs and creating empowering solutions so that individuals can live out their passions.

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