What if I told you that there is one fundamental law with the power to completely change your reality. Would you be interested? How would you respond if I told you that this fundamental law is easy to understand and implement, regardless of your current circumstances.
If you could radically simplify the whole concept of creating a better reality by making one simple change in the way you run your life, would you be willing to give it a try? Before you say yes, I’d like to tell you a little story.
Don’t expect something for nothing
There was once a poor exchange student who rented a room above a fancy restaurant. Every night as he ate a plain bowl of rice for dinner, he would sit at the top of the stairs and enjoy the wonderful smells coming up from the restaurant below. As he ate, he would savor the aroma and imagine that he was dinning on the delicious delicacies being served down in the restaurant.
When the restaurant owner found out what the exchange student was doing, he took him to court. He wanted the student to pay him for the enjoyment he had derived from the food smells coming from his place of business.
The judge listened intently and then asked the student if he had any change in his pocket. When the young man said yes, the judge asked him to shake his pocket so he could hear the coins rattle. Then the wise judge told the restaurant owner: “The sound of money is sufficient payment for the smell of food.”
What’s the point?
Millions of people have bought into the idea that they can sit around visualizing a better life and that somehow it will manifest. When it doesn’t happen they go searching for the missing secret or a new technique that will make it happen. I am not saying that visualizing isn’t powerful because it is, but visualizing alone is not going to change your life.
You would never expect the smell of food to satisfy your hunger or the sound of money to pay your bills. Visualizing is a great way to get very clear about where you need to focus your attention, but more is needed to produce a meaningful outcome.
The law of consequences is about reality
Like all fundamentals, the law of consequences is based on truth. That means that putting it into practice requires a realistic approach and a willingness to accept personal responsibility for your life. It also means letting go of the fantasy based idea that somehow your world is going to be magically transformed without any effort on your part.
I realize that pie in the sky, fairytale promises of a better life without any effort are popular, but I prefer to deal in reality. How about you? Are you ready to fully embrace a realistic approach to creating a better reality on every level?
What is cause and effect, and the law of consequences?
Simply put, we are talking about cause and effect. The law of consequences states that every result or outcome (effect) happens for a reason (cause). Everything we do produces some kind of outcome and by carefully considering the possible consequences of any action, word, thought, or decision in advance, we can be much more successful at producing the outcome we desire.
Wisdom consists of the anticipation
of consequences. ~Norman Cousins
Recognition of the law of consequences is fundamental to understanding how we influence our own reality. It can be incredibly empowering to know that everything we do (cause) leads to an outcome (effect), but to benefit from that knowledge we must be willing to accept full responsibility for our behavior.
Let logic be your guide
For some reason there are those who want to complicate things when you start talking about cause and effect, but I’m not one of them. At its most basic level we are simply talking about action and reaction. If we have the foresight to consider how our words and actions will play out, we can make better choices that will have a positive influence on the quality of our life.
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe
in cause and effect. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here’s a little exercise that can vastly improve your reality on every level. Before you make a decision, think it through to its logical conclusion. Ask yourself: If I do this is it likely to produce desirable consequences, or is it something I will regret down the road? If you get in the habit of walking your decisions through this simple process before you commit to them, it will change your life.
Is the concept of consequences something you embrace?
Have you ever paid a price for not thinking things through beforehand?
Have you ever paid a price for not thinking things through beforehand?
Think. Grow. Live!
Roland N. Gilbert
Roland works one-on-one – via phone, Skype and face-to-face – and with MasterMind Groups. Through Couples Coaching Roland helps clients communicate better, find the love they want, and create relationships of significance. Contact Roland atrgilbert@perennialgrowth.com to determine if coaching is right for you. or