Monday, September 26, 2011

Do You Truly Believe You Can Have a Great Life?

When we are feeling stuck in life, we most often are focusing on all the negative things taking place in our lives. We spend our time focusing on how terrible our job is, how long we have been unemployed or underemployed, how unreliable our friends are, how demanding our spouses are, how busy our lives are, and in general just how terrible everything is. It is no wonder that life feels so bad when all we do is focus on the bad things, the dark things, and all of the negative stuff that goes with it. 
If you spend all of your time carrying heavy burdens around and walking under a dark cloud, your life definitely will not get any better, and the energy that you have to move forward will be very limited- after all, carrying a heavy load takes a lot of energy.
If you want to move your life forward you need to shift your focus and spend time thinking about, dreaming about, and creating a vision of what a great life looks like. That begins by asking a few questions:
•What do you want for yourself?
•What does your perfect life look like?
•What are your goals?
•How do you get there?
•Do you truly believe you can have a great life?
•What action steps do you need to take create the change you are looking for?
Getting the answers to these questions may not be all that simple. However, the questions serve as a tool or mechanism to shift your focus from darkness and despair to a life filled with hope. Hope and inspiration often go hand in hand. Think of someone who inspires you- they are often filled with energy and they often shine with incredible brilliance. When they talk about their cause; their passion; their hopes and dreams you can see them light up and become filled with energy. The energy they exhibit is not a draining energy but, instead it is one that just seems to keep building.
If you have asked yourself the questions above and still are stuck- still don’t really know what you want out of life or what a perfect life would even look like, then there a few very important questions that you must address:
•What is preventing you from having a great life?
•What are the barriers that keep getting in your way?
•What changes in your mindset can you make?
In order to move forward, to find that hope and inspiration, you must break through the walls that are keeping you in that miserable place. The only way to really do that is to be completely honest with yourself, when answering the three questions above and to begin living with integrity.
One final question:
• Do you want to use all of your energy supporting dark heavy clouds that pull you down in life or do you want your energy to build and carry you to a new hope filled inspiring place? The choice is yours…
“Never let yesterday’s disappointments overshadow tomorrow’s dreams.” unknown
Think. Grow. Live!

Roland N. Gilbert

Roland works one-on-one – via phone and face-to-face – and with MasterMind Groups. Through Couples Coaching Roland helps clients communicate better, find the love they want, and create relationships of significance. Contact Roland at 800-974-3692 to determine if coaching is right for you.