Monday, December 5, 2011

10 Signs of a Desperate Male

In the dating world, a desperate male is one who is overeager, anxious, presumptuous and willing to be with any woman to avoid being alone. Women can spot desperation in a man from miles away, and fellas if you suffer from it, you'll never stand a chance at getting any woman.

A male who is desperate may have a strong want and desire to have a relationship; however, due to having little experience in the romance and dating department, his behaviors can indicate low-self esteem and a host of other issues that turn women off and can actually be viewed as creepy and disturbing.

Here are 10 warning signs that can help you determine if you fit under the portrait of a desperate male:

1. Dropping your standards

Desperate guys are prepared to drop their dating standards to fill the huge emotional void in their life. Whether they want children or intimacy the desperate male will date who they have too to avoid being alone. They will be with any woman just for the sake of being attached while failing to realize that it's better to be single and wait for the girl who is their type.

2. Constantly fishing for compliments

The desperate male has low self-esteem, a poor self-image and needs to constantly hear how great he is and be assured of things. It doesn't take long for women to get tired of constantly stroking your ego.

Overly Calling/Emailing/Texting HerIf you want to run a woman off quickly, one of the best ways to do it is to overly call, email or send text messages early in a relationship, especially when she hasn't returned any of your messages. The desperate male makes the fatal mistake of calling the woman he's dating and asking "Did you just call me?" after receiving a call from an unrecognized number.

4. You're always available

Always being available makes women think that you don't have a life of your own and actually lessens your own attractiveness, making you far less desirable. Being a challenge to women makes you more desirable.

5. You move too fast in relationships

The desperate male will spend every single day with a new girl for weeks and never know basic information about her that normally should have been covered in the first few dates. Although finding love is based on each individual relationship and some people move quicker than others, the desperate male will move so quickly with things like intimacy and sex that he will turn a woman off with his frantic desire for a relationship.

6. You're constantly buying her gifts

A desperate male constantly showers a woman with gifts without realizing that eventually she will become less thrilled and even annoyed receiving them. Even though the thought is nice, after a while the concept will begin to lose its meaning and she is going to get tired of always getting something. Now some women may disagree with this, but those that do fall into another category entirely and require an article all to themselves!

7. Not giving her enough time and space

Desperate males tend to be a little on the invasive side when they always need to hang out at a woman's home for hours on end, not respecting the fact that she has a life of her own life. Women don't always want to hang out with you day in and day out and will quickly end relationships with guys not respecting their need for space.

8. You're in constant agreement with everything she says

Desperate males just sit there and agree with everything a woman says, thinking that's what she wants. In reality, women want someone who is going to stimulate their minds and are not turned on by males they can completely control has no backbone.

9. You make her the center of your life too fast

Desperate males tend to make the first woman that will go out with them the only person in their life and not take the time to continue dating and getting to know other women. Telling a woman "You're the only woman in the world for me" before the three-week period will have her running for the hills.

10. Being overly nice all the time

If a guy is too nice, too accommodating and tries to be the most giving person to a woman, she will begin to think he's being insincere and will lose romantic interest quickly. She'll also think that he's only trying to achieve one thing: to get into her pants.

A male who's desperate actually hurts his chances at dating because he makes himself prone to getting used and mistreated. Women today waste a lot of time dealing with males who are full of issues and other stuff going on and don't really realize that they're lowering their standards and taking away time from getting to know someone who's got their heads together and isn't on some nonsense. Relationships are great, but what would be nicer is if it's not full of needy and clingy behavior that's just downright inappropriate and creepy.

Can you add anything to the list?

Think. Grow. Live!

Roland N. Gilbert

Roland works one-on-one – via phone and face-to-face – and with MasterMind Groups. Through Couples Coaching Roland helps clients communicate better, find the love they want, and create relationships of significance.

Contact Roland at 800-974-3692 or to determine if coaching is right for you.